This Path includes:
- Design and delivery
- Coaching and confidentiality agreement
- Introductory Guide to Coaching
- 90 minute individual online coaching
- Coaching Assessments and questionnaires
- Dedicated area on the website with Premium
- Tests, quizzes, exercises, modules
- Premium content: pdf guides and articles+
- Notes and action plan
- Mentorship and coaching
Who was this course designed for?
- startuppers
- SME entrepreneurs
- freelancers
Are you undecided? Speak with me
Pre-scheduled online individual sessions (meetings) lasting 90 minutes with the ICF (Professional Certified Coach of International Coach Federation) PCC Business Coach.
Platforms: Meet, Zoom, Skype, Teams, WhatsApp
The coachee (customer) can propose any type of personal and objective challenge. The main requests are usually: validate the business or professional idea, understand how to start the company, plan all the managerial and start-up aspects.
The duration of the course varies according to the Plan chosen (2 months, 6 months, 12 months), the number of sessions and frequency.
The Organizational Coaching process can be undertaken by everyone and it is not necessary to have a particular preparation.
Startup Coaching is:
Exclusive, flexible and personalized path to support entrepreneurs who want to implement their projects to create new value. It allows them to acquire full awareness of their strengths and identify the interventions to be implemented on areas for improvement.
Coaching is a strategic tool for success.
The course is aimed at those who face the challenges of everyday reality and want to give the right direction to their ideas or simply make a dream come true. To give substance to innovative ideas, give voice to talents, develop a new business and bring about the desired change.
This is an investment in yourself so that others can also believe in and support your project.
The Executive Coach supports the client to focus their vision, helps to identify obstacles (what is missing), facilitates the exploration of alternatives and possibilities.
The Executive Coach advocates acting consciously, generating new actions that bring new results.
Areas of application and effectiveness:
- Validate the entrepreneurial Business idea
- Find out if you can start your own business
- Open and start a manufacturing company
- Open and launch an innovative company
- Start a business
- Quit your job to become a professional or freelancer
- Becoming a Coach
- Grow and develop your own Startup
- Develop new business projects
- Analysis and definition of a new competitive positioning
- Choosing the best market niche
- Strategic, commercial, operational planning
- Corporate acquisitions
What does the Coach do?
As a Coach, I facilitate change, I manage Coaching courses that allow you to find the best solutions and strategies to get what you want for yourself and your business.
I do it by videoconference (also in person upon request) through dialogue and the building of an empowering relationship.
I support you in creating the following documents:
- Personal change plan. Mentoring and personalized advice when needed.
- Competitive positioning matrix
- Business Model Canvas;
- SWOT Analysis (strengths, opportunities, risks, etc.);
- Business Plans;
- Financial plan;
- Marketing Plan;
- Management control: KPI – Key Performance Indicator – and management dashboard for monitoring business performance;
- budgets;
- Goal setting & Action Plan
Startup Coaching: the phases
- first contact
- needs analysis
- coaching agreement
- goal definition
- path KPI definition
- feasibility study
- study sustainability
- risk level
- positioning analysis
- strategy
- development model
- market analysis
- financial analysis
- organizational need
- product/service analysis
- marketing & trade
- sale process
- administrative management
- credit access
- leadership
- org functions management
- investments
- hiring
- procedures
- delegation
- primo contatto
- analisi esigenze
- patto di coaching
- definizione obiettivo
- definizione KPI percorso
- studio fattibilità
- studio sostenibilità
- livello di rischio
- analisi posizionamento
- strategia
- modello di sviluppo
- analisi di mercato
- analisi finanziaria
- fabbisogno organizzativo
- analisi prodotto/servizio
- marketing & comm.
- processo di vendita
- gestione amministrativa
- accesso al credito
- leadership
- org funzioni gestione
- investimenti
- assunzioni
- procedure
- delega
The benefits of a Startup Coaching path:
- strengthen the Business Idea
- Verify the key factors of the Startup
- Define vision, mission, purpose, promise, values
- Define competitive positioning and buyer personas/ideal customers
- Discover the Unique Selling Proposition
- Define the resources needed for start-up
- Clear organization of activities
- Planning, programming and control
- Focus on key activities with high added value
- Goal setting, action plans, checklists
I am an ICF PCC Executive Coach:
Matteo Rocca
Hi, I’m Matteo Rocca, entrepreneur, author and ACC ICF Executive Business Coach with about 20 years of entrepreneurial and managerial experience in Italy and abroad. My experience has allowed me to come into contact with very different cultures, which have enriched my professional and personal baggage.
In my twenty-year career as an entrepreneur and administrator, I have had responsibility for hundreds of people and have grown several startups. I also closed some. I know well what it means to make a wrong investment, they are probably the teachings that have hurt me the most, but from which I have benefited the most on a professional level.
Entrepreneurs often choose me because they understand that I know how they feel, I’ve been there before.
Always passionate about Coaching and personal growth, now as a Mental Coach I help entrepreneurs and managers achieve results thanks to new tools, methodologies and skills. I support them in the management of innovation and change projects, with individual and collective Coaching and Training courses, to improve professional performance.
As an Executive Business PCC ICF Coach I abide by the ICF Code of Ethics.
Want to get to know me better? She talks to me. Consult my agenda below and set up an introductory phone call.