To improve the business organization with proper organizational arrangement. Initiates a process of change and development to increase the company's potential.



This Pathway includes:

For whom is this course designed?

  • SME entrepreneurs
  • human resources managers
  • general managers
  • professional firms


One-on-one sessions (meetings) online (or in person at the company) scheduled in advance, with PCC ICF Business Coach (Professional Certified Coach of International Coach Federation).

Platforms: Meet, Zoom, Skype, Teams, WhatsApp

Le aziende mi chiamano per migliorare l’organizzazione, definire e implementare un adeguato asseto organizzativo (oggi ormai un obbligo di legge). Io supporto l’amministratore, il direttore generale o il responsabile risorse umane ad analizzare, progettare tutto il sistema aziendale.

The No. and duration of the paths, individual or collective, depends on the specific business needs, size, No. of managers.

Following a situation analysis phase (interviews), as a Business Coach I propose a detailed Organizational Coaching project to management.

The Organizational Coaching course can be taken by anyone and no special training is necessary.

Il Coaching organizzativo è:

Organizational Coaching is dedicated to the entire business organization. Therefore, it is not Coaching within the organization, but Coaching to improve the business organization. The demand for Coaching does not come from a specific individual, but from a company (initially from the owner, human resources manager, or general manager). Organizational Coaching intervenes in an organization to initiate a process of improvement and development toward defined goals, developing the company’s potential.

During an Organizational Coaching process, all these examples of strategic/operational goals are achieved by learning how to implement more effective processes, well-defined procedures. Each team independently designs its own action plans, with tracking systems, deadlines and written commitments, thus developing its own goals.

At the end of the work you will have: organization chart, job descriptions (job descriptions), process mapping, written and defined procedures.

I like to define Organizational Coaching in simple words: “to define well in the company who does what, why, how and when.”

Ambiti di applicazione ed efficacia (Organizzazione Aziendale):

Cosa fa il Business Coach aziendale?

As a Coach I facilitate change, running Business Coaching pathways that enable you to find the best solutions and strategies to get what you want for you and your business.

I do this by videoconference (in person as well upon request) through dialogue and building an empowering relationship.

My Working Method involves:

  • Active listening, reflection, trust; specific and powerful questions that can generate ideas.

  • Specially designed exercises for various needs. Forms, templates, checklists, templates, etc. Single-subject guides, video courses.

  • Direct communication and improving feedback.

  • Planning well-defined goals (S.M.A.R.T.) and identifying KPIs to monitor them.

  • Awareness, motivation, empowerment and challenge, call to priority action design.

  • Support in the application of proven useful and effective (science-based) management methodologies and techniques.

  • Personal plan for change. Individualized mentoring and counseling as needed.

I benefici di un percorso di Coaching Organizzativo:

Sono un Business Coach ACC ICF:

Hi, I am Matteo Rocca, entrepreneur, author and ACC ICF Executive Business Coach with about 20 years of entrepreneurial and managerial experience in Italy and abroad. My experience has allowed me to come into contact with very different cultures, which has enriched my professional and personal background.

I come from a family of entrepreneurs; I was born and raised in business. The company is my natural environment; I am comfortable in any company. I have been doing Mentoring for years.

Always passionate about Coaching and personal growth, now as a Mental Coach I help entrepreneurs and managers get results through new tools, methodologies and skills. I support them in managing innovation and change projects, with individual and collective Coaching and Training paths to improve professional performance.

As an Executive Business PCC ICF Coach I abide by the ICF code of ethics.

Do you want to get to know me better? Talk to me. See below my schedule and schedule a cognitive phone call.

Feedback Coaching per migliorare l'organizzazione aziendale:

Preferisci procedere gradualmente? Ti consiglio un video-corso, iscriviti.

Fissa una consulenza personalizzata gratuita.